Mark 11:22 “Jesus answered them ‘Have faith in God.'”

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10:30 am Sunday Service
Streaming live on Facebook
Trinity Calendar
Click the button on the main home page to check out our calendar and download as a PDF file. Our calendar fills up with plenty of ways to meet people and get involved!
* 10:30 am Worship
*SUNDAY SCHOOL worship (12 and under) during the 10:30 service
*9 am Adult Sunday School
Currently we have one service at 10:30 a.m. Sundays, and will also feature the service live on Facebook as well ... Sunday school for the kids during the service
This week at Trinity....
All are Welcome!
Come and be blessed by time in God’s house.
Joy Crafters: Fellowship Hall, Mondays at 9:30 a.m.
A.A. Meetings: Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m., & Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.
Events and Annoucements
Our near future upcoming events and current announcements. Please join us or call the church to find out more....
Wednesday Night Community Meal
Come to Trinity for our free community meal at 5:00 pm Wednesday evenings. Drive up service only. Drive in fromt the North parking entrance, receive your meal containers from the back door of the church, and exit throught the south parking access. We look forward to seeing you!
Trinity is working on ways to enjoy fellowship in Christ, both in person and through online forums. We will announce gatherings here, and we invite and welcome any ideas for ways to enjoy fellowship and events to create and plan. We are ready to begin coming up with ways to Share God's Love with those who hunger for fellowship and company!
Please pray for all the young people and educators as the school year moves on with new and unique challenges. God bless you all!
Like us on Facebook and watch on the home page for updates and events that come up!